2017 Fall Festival Schedule

Warm up times and ride schedule are now available.  There is always the possibility that the schedule may change but there shouldn’t be any major changes.

Just a few reminders:
  • bring copies of your MHC ( or other provincial body membership) and EC memberships,
  • make sure if you haven’t sent a copy of your negative coggins test to Show Secretary already that you bring a copy to the show,
  • when you arrive at the show check in at the show office and get your numbers as you must always have numbers on your horse whenever it leaves its stall.
We are stabled in Barn 4. The Show Secretary will be at the Keystone Centre by 10 AM on Friday. The show office will be located in Barn 4.

Revised – Sept 14th
Warm Up rides: PDF download

Friday Order of Go: PDF download

Saturday Order of Go: PDF download

Sunday Order of Go: PDF download