Time: 1:00 PM
Date: Sunday Nov. 26, 2017
Location: Meeting Room – River Bank Discovery Centre, Brandon, MB
A light lunch will be provided. We will be bringing in sandwich trays and goodies from Coffee Culture.
We will also be having a Rainbow auction.
Year-end awards will be given out at the AGM.
Please RSVP by Monday Nov. 20 so we have an idea of the amount of food to get. If you end up being able to make it last minute and miss the RSVP deadline you are still welcome to come.
At the AGM we will be electing board members for the following positions:
- Chair
- Vice-chair
- Secretary
- Communications
- Treasurer
- Members at Large
- Membership
- MHC representative
If you are interested in a board position you can send your name or your nomination to one of the members of the nomination committee consisting of Tammy McKenzie (tammy_mckenzie@hotmail.com) and Terry McKenzie (terry@hedgeville.ca).
If you have any bylaw changes that you would like please send me an e-mail regarding those changes to be discussed at the AGM.
If you have any questions regarding the AGM please feel free to contact me at tammy_mckenzie@hotmail.com.
Just another reminder. We are in the planning stages of 3 bronze level EC sanctioned Dressage shows.
- May 11 – 13, 2018 ACE arena at the Keystone Centre
- July 6 – 8, 2018 outdoor arena at the Keystone Centre
- September 14 – 16, 2018 outdoor arena at the Keystone Centre
At this time we plan to offer the Prix Caprilli at each show (it is a combination of jumping and dressage).